Values & Approach

The Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) of San Benito County is committed to goals of promoting and supporting:

Community Living with Dignity and Opportunity

Independence and Self-Determination

Supportive Services Cooperation and Coordination

Person Centered
Planning & Services

Planning, providing, and organizing services rooted in listening to what people want and helping them to live in communities of their choosing.

Quality community-based programs making sure everyone who receives long-term services and supports can live, learn, work and enjoy life in the most integrated setting.
Supporting people in leading lives that are meaningful to them through:

  • Building or maintaining relationships with their families and friends
  • Living as independently as possible
  • Engaging in productive activities, such as employment
  • Participating in community life.

Person centered practices are essential to these efforts. Person-centered practices are flexible and adaptable, meeting people’s changing needs and priorities. They encourage informed choice and creativity. Person-centered practices increase people's quality of life, and focus on people, not programs.

No Wrong Door
Services Access

  • Coordinating between multiple state, county, city, and community service providers to ensure that regardless of which agency or organization a person contacts for help, they can access information and one-on-one counseling about options available across all.

  • Enabling people to make informed decisions based on the full range of available services.
  • Providing assistance in accessing services, including help in completing applications for various public and private programs.

No Wrong Door systems provide information and assistance to individuals needing either public or private resources, to professionals seeking assistance on behalf of their clients, and to individuals planning for their future long-term care needs. No Wrong Door systems serve as an entry point to publicly administered long-term supports, like those funded under Medicaid, the Older Americans Act, Veterans Health Administration, and state revenue programs.

We’re here to help,
and help you connect.

Office Address

440 San Benito Street
Community Foundation Epicenter
Hollister, CA 95023

Office Telephone

(888) 637-6757

More Information

Office Hours

By Appointment Only