Resource Directory

Select either English or Spanish versions of the Resource Directory above for a searchable PDF.
Simply locate the topic of interest on the Contents page, and click on the name or page number to be taken directly to that page.

This Aging & Disability Resource Directory for San Benito County is provided by the ADRC of San Benito County as a courtesy for those individuals or caregivers seeking home and community living supports, and to professionals working with individuals and families. The Resource Directory does not claim to be either exhaustive in its listings, nor 100% accurate in its content. It does, however, represent a good faith effort on the part of the ADRC to be as inclusive and as accurate as possible.

Whenever possible, we have not included commercial or for-profit providers of services in this Resource Directory. This is intentional; we want the services which are included to be as broadly accessible to community members as is possible. While there is certainly a place for commercial service providers in the community-based services sphere, we have not included any here and suggest contacting local business associations, including the Chamber of Commerce and the Better Business Bureau, for listings of this sort.

This Resource Directory was first published November 2021 in Spanish and English versions and undergoes an annual review and update each subsequent year. Our Resource Directory is available in print format, through the ADRC hub site, through home and community-based ADRC No Wrong Door partners throughout San Benito County, as well as in select public spaces.

The ADRC of San Benito County welcomes suggestions, corrections, updates, and similar input from both the public, as well as other community-based non-profit providers in an effort to make the Resource Directory as accurate and as user-friendly as possible. Please send any feedback or comments you have to, and include “Resource Directory” in the Subject line of your message.

Thank you for your interest and support!

- ADRC of San Benito County No Wrong Door Team and Network Partners

We’re here to help,
and help you connect.

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440 San Benito Street
Community Foundation Epicenter
Hollister, CA 95023

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(888) 637-6757

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