Aging and Disability Resource Connection of San Benito County’s (ADRC) success at doing what it does so well - - connecting people seamlessly to the services and supports they need to live how and where they want to live - - is rooted in the ADRC’s expansive and ever-growing partnerships. Our partnerships ARE the heart of the ADRC.
Click here for our current office schedule and hours of operation for all onsite partners.
To find out more about ADRC partnership opportunities, and how becoming a community partner can benefit your organization, support your staff, and provide more person centered assistance to the people you serve, please call us at (888) 637-6757, or message us.
We’re here to help,
and help you connect.
Office Address
440 San Benito Street
Community Foundation Epicenter
Hollister, CA 95023
Office Telephone
(888) 637-6757
More Information
Please Contact Us:
or Request for Service Form
Office Hours
By Appointment Only