Aging and Disability Resource Connection of San Benito County (ADRC) is part of a growing statewide network of California Department on Aging (CDA) funded and locally supported ADRCs created to simplify and streamline access to enhanced information referral/assistance, long term services and supports options counseling, short term service coordination, and institution-to-home transition assistance. Employing both person centered and ‘No Wrong Door’ approaches to community services access, planning, and delivery, ADRCs help people live where and how they want to live.
What is an ADRC?
Aging and Disability Resource Connection of San Benito County (ADRC) programs serve older individuals, individuals with disabilities, and caregivers with information and access to available long-term services and supports (LTSS) at the local level. ADRCs empower individuals to consider all options, make informed decisions, and access community LTSS that help them meet their personal goals for independence.
No Wrong Door
Based on the principle of a “no wrong door” system of entry, ADRCs build on the strength of existing community agencies - - including Area Agencies on Aging, Independent Living Centers, and others - - to provide a more coordinated system of information and access for all persons seeking LTSS. ADRC partner organizations minimize confusion, enhance individual choice, and support informed decision making.
Local Network
ADRC of San Benito County staff and partner organizations are creating a network of like-minded community organizations to ensure that regardless of which organization you contact for help, you’ll receive the benefit of the knowledge, eligibility-based program access, and community-based service enrollments this growing network represents.
Imagine getting help with home delivered meal supports, Assistive Technology, caregiver support groups, as well as information about how to sign-up for virtual classes, get a library card, or apply for SNAP or CalFresh benefits, all by making a single call for a much need ride to medical appointments. We value each request we receive for assistance, and see every instance as an opportunity to learn more about how we can help our friends and neighbors throughout San Benito County.
We’re here to help,
and help you connect.
Office Address
440 San Benito Street
Community Foundation Epicenter
Hollister, CA 95023
Office Telephone
(888) 637-6757
More Information
Please Contact Us:
or Request for Service Form
Office Hours
By Appointment Only